Sprint Zero


Backlog Refinement Meeting

  1. Most product backlog items (PBIs) initially need refinement as they are too large and poorly understood.
  2. Large vague items are split and clarified considering both business and technical concerns.
  3. Backlog refinement meeting is also called as backlog grooming, backlog maintenance meeting or story time.

Sprint Planning Meeting

  1. At the beginning of every sprint, the product owner and scrum team hold a sprint planning meeting to negotiate which Product backlog items they want to convert into a working product during the sprint.
  2. The product owner is responsible to select items which are most important to the business.
  3. The development team is responsible for selecting the amount of work they think they can implement without accruing technical debt.
  4. By the end of the sprint planning meeting, we should answer two questions
    1. What will be delivered in the increment?
    2. How will the work be achieved?
  5. Sprint planning meeting is timeboxed to 4 hours for a 2 weeks sprint.

Daily Scrum Meeting

  1. Daily scrum meeting is timeboxed for 15 minutes.
  2. It is conducted at the same time, same place every day.
  3. All the team member answer to 3 questions
    1. What I accomplished yesterday?
    2. What will I accomplish today?
    3. What were the impediments I faced?
  4. If any topic required additional attention, it can be discussed in a sidebar meeting once everybody has answered these questions.

Sprint Review Meeting

  1. At the end of the sprint, the scrum team holds a sprint review meeting to demonstrate a working software to everyone who’s interested.
  2. The meeting should feature a live demonstration, not a report.
  3. After the demo, Product owner reviews the commitments made at the Sprint planning meeting and declares which item is
  4. Generally, timeboxed for 2-4hour for 2-4 weeks sprint.

Sprint Retrospective Meeting

  1. Each sprint ends with sprint retrospective meeting.
  2. Here team reflects on its own process, and inspect their behaviour to find any improvements that can be implemented into upcoming sprints.
  3. Scrum master should use a variety of technique to facilitate retrospectives like silent writing, safety check and happiness histogram.
  4. Often exposes organization impediments.