Product Backlog

  1. The Product Backlog is a list of all the requirements needed in product development and is also the single source of the requirement for changes to be made in the product.
  2. It lists all features, functions, requirement, enhancement and fixes that constitute, the changes to be made to the product in a future release.
  3. The contents to the Product Backlog can be added by the stakeholders or the team members. Hence it is a list that constantly evolves and grows and changes to match the needs of the product.
  4. The contents of the Product Backlog item are constantly reprioritized by the Product Owner and is kept visible to all stakeholders. This is maintained mainly during the Backlog Refinement Meeting.
  5. The Product Backlog is often ordered by value risk, priority and necessity.
  6. It is visible to all stakeholders.
  7. Any stakeholder (including the Team) can add items
  8. Items at top are more granular than items at bottom

Product Backlog Item

  1. Specifies the what more than the how of a customer-centric feature
  2. Often written in User Story form
  3. Has a product-wide definition of done to prevent technical debt
  4. May have item-specific acceptance criteria
  5. Effort is estimated by the team, ideally in relative units (e.g., story points)
  6. Effort is roughly 2-3 people 2-3 days or smaller for advanced teams

Sprint Backlog

  1. Consists of committed PBIs negotiated between the team and the Product Owner during the Sprint Planning Meeting
  2. Scope commitment is fixed during Sprint Execution
  3. Initial tasks are identified by the team during Sprint Planning Meeting
  4. Team will discover additional tasks needed to meet the fixed scope
  5. commitment during Sprint Execution
  6. Visible to the team
  7. Referenced during the Daily Scrum Meeting

Sprint Task

  1. Specifies how to achieve the PBI’s what
  2. Requires one day or less of work
  3. Remaining effort is re-estimated daily, typically in hours
  4. During Sprint Execution, a point person may volunteer to be primarily responsible for a task
  5. Owned by the entire team; collaboration is expected

Product / Release Burndown Chart

  1. Tracks the remaining Product Backlog effort from one Sprint to the next
  2. May use relative units such as Story Points for Y axis
  3. Depicts historical trends to adjust forecasts

Sprint Burndown Chart

  1. The Sprint Burndown Chart is a Scrum artifact that comprises of the tasks and the hours remaining to achieve a Sprint Goal. The ‘x-axis’ might represent the tasks and the ‘y-axis’, the time. The purpose of Sprint Burndown Charts is to enhance team self-organization and is in no way a management report.
  2. It Indicates total remaining team task hours within one sprint.
  3. Re-estimated daily, thus may go up before going down.
  4. Intended to facilitate team self-organization.